Life as a Service: Scalability and other Aspects (подія в архіві)

Took place
13 September 2016 (Tuesday)
Kharkiv, Premier Palace Hotel, 2 Nezalezhnosti Av., Premier Palace Hotel

Speaker: Dino Esposito — .NET guru, author of several books on .NET development, and an expert in web and mobile application development.

Dino will be speaking about ways to improve the scalability of applications, as well as methods to resolve issues with software performance. His speech is intended for Middle and Senior .NET developers.

Attention: Although participation is free of charge, space will be limited. Register early to avoid disappointment!

Register here:

If you are unable to attend the event in person, you can watch Dino’s presentation live online. In order to do so, please register here:


18:00–19:00 Registration for attendees
19.00–19:45 Life as a Service: Scalability and other Aspects — Part 1
19:45–20:15 Coffee break
20:15–21:00 Life as a Service: Scalability and other Aspects — Part 2
21:00–22:00 Open discussion.

uDev organizes technical events for developers. At these events, attendees have the chance to share experiences, and to discuss new tools and methodologies, both with the creators of these technologies and leading experts in the IT industry.

A video of the previous “uDev Tech Events” meeting is available here:

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If you are unable to attend the event in person, you can watch Dino’s presentation live online. In order to do so, please register here:

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