Online meetup “Android Worldwide” (подія в архіві)

Took place
24 October 2023 (Tuesday)

Android Worldwide is an international group of developer communities that like to collaborate. Once every three months we organize free technical events that cater to Android devs.

Multiple timezones, one looooooong event

An Android Worldwide is always happening at a relevant time for you. No more staying up at night or waking up at odd hours to attend global Android events.

Starting at 7:00PM in the Asia Pacific region, our event stretches across the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, and finally, North America. That’s about 14 hours filled with talks, socializing, meeting new people, and all in all, having a blast.

Tune in at any time to get started, or grab your coffee and try staying for the entire time 😆

Join the event:​d-worldwide-october-2023

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Дозволені теги: blockquote, a, pre, code, ul, ol, li, b, i, del.
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А чи є можливість подивитись виступи в записі?

Романе, вітаю! На жаль, я не знайшла записів у відкритому доступі.

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