RubyC-2015 представляет интервью с Эриком Михаельс-Обером

В преддверии третьей киевской конференции RubyC-2015 (30-31 мая 2015 года), организаторы представляют интервью с Эриком Михаельс-Обером (Erik Michaels-Ober), рубистом из Германии, который стал RubyHero-2014. Эрик является популярным ментором среди разных Ruby-сообществ: Ruby Summer of Code, Google Summer of Code и Rails Girls Summer of Code. В рамках RubyC-2015 Эрик представит тему Crystal programming language, подробности о которой можно узнать на сайте

I started working on Ruby full-time in 2006, when my team decided to port our web application from PHP to Rails. Rails had just turned 1.0. I believe we were using Ruby version 1.8.4 with Mongrel as the web server. This was before Rack, Bundler,, or GitHub. In retrospect, it’s hard to imagine working on Ruby without these tools that I now use on a daily basis.

Ruby made me realize the value of people over computers. Most programming languages are optimized to make executing code fast. Ruby is optimized to make reading and writing code fast. This changed the way I thought about code: from something that I write for the computer to something that I write for other people.

Ruby, the language, is great but my true love is the Ruby community. By joining this community, I’m now connected to nice people, all around the world. I love meeting new Rubyists at meetups and conferences. I’ve learned so much from others, who openly share their knowledge on their blogs, podcasts, screencasts, etc. I love Rails Girls, RailsBridge, and other community programs to make programming more diverse and inclusive. I also love the creative spirit of the Ruby community, inspiring projects like Artoo, Kids Ruby, Shoes, Gosu, Sonic Pi, etc.


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