Новый бесплатный курс по Scala
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Introduction to programming with dependent types in Scalastepik.org/2294 stepik.org/course/49181
Курс бесплатный. Сертификаты планируются. Курс на английском.
This course is an introduction to type theory, homotopy type theory (HoTT), dependent-type programming, type-level programming, and theorem proving using Scala.
It consists of video lectures (more than 8 hours of video), presentations (more than 130 slides), and more than 50 programming exercises (some in pure Scala — to be tested online on Stepik’s servers, and some in Scala + ProvingGround library from Github — to be performed in local computer and tested online).
The course is adaptive: student can press button “Continue” and system will try to recommend next exercise for this student.
The course is for people who are interested in functional programming (Scala, Haskell), programming with dependent types (Idris), type-level programming (Shapeless).
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