[Офіційно] Amazon Hiring Event — Kyiv з 15 по 19 жовтня
Привіт друзі та коллеги!
Амазон провів дуже успішний івент у Києві у лютому і близько двох десятків людей зайшли на борт корабля. Амазону так сподобався рівень наших спеціалістів (перемога!), що було вирішено приїхати ще раз!
Минулого разу я отримав кілька десятків контактів від зацікавлених людей, і давав поради по імейлу, по скайпу, а також допомагав вирішувати певні нюанси з резюме.
Цього разу я пропоную те саме: подавайте до нас ваші CV, приходьте на івент і приєднуйтесь до однієї з кращих компаній світу! Як і минулого разу, я надам будь-яку допомогу-консультацію, що в моїх силах.
Буду вдячний, якщо Ви вкажете мій контакт Vitaliy Bondarenko (bondav@) як реферал.
Disclaimer: минулого разу рекрутер був дуже задоволений рівнем кандидатів, які йшли з моїм рефералом, і тому попросив мене розмістити цю об’яву і посприяти ще раз в наборі сильних програмістів.
Повний текст англ мовою нижче:
Seeking a new challenge to elevate your career? Always wanted to work abroad, at global scale? At Amazon Web Services, we are currently working on some of the largest distributed systems in the world, and have endless challenges to solve related to user-experience, big data, machine learning, automation, and cutting edge technologies that might be of interest to you. Our AWS Commerce Platform team is currently seeking talented software development engineers to join our growing org in:
· Seattle, WA,
· Vancouver, Canada
· Berlin, Germany
AWS Commerce Platform provides the back and front-end services that enable AWS customers to purchase AWS services and understand and manage their infrastructure costs. Our teams tackle some of the hardest scalability, performance, and distributed computing challenges the world. We process trillions of events per month using stream processing techniques (Kinesis), process billions of line items via map reduce (EMR), and manage artifacts through the latest in database technologies (DynamoDB and Aurora). We process big data and provide tools for customers to interactively understand their bills. We also provide the analytics that let customers manage billions of dollars of IT usage and spending. Because we sit at the nexus of all AWS services and interact directly with end-customers, we also work closely across all AWS teams to ensure that we offer a great customer experience.
We have a very flat organizational structure and casual office vibe. We live and breathe our leadership principles. Our teams operate much like a start-up in that we try to keep them small, but leverage all the resources and stability of being the largest cloud provider. We often joke that service teams have to be "two pizza size"—if a group can’t be fed with two pizzas it’s too large and should be split up. This dynamic creates a fast-paced, intellectually stimulating environment with a lot of ownership, collaboration, and little red tape. You’ll rarely be the smartest person in the room working here— you’ll be surrounded by brilliant folks you can always learn something from.
We will be hosting interviews the week of October 15th-19th, 2018 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Offers include comprehensive family relocation packages, very competitive salaries and assistance with visa sponsorship.
Curious to learn more? For consideration and more details send your resume to:
[email protected] AND [email protected]
Thanks for your interest in Amazon.
· BS in CS or related field
· 4+ years programming experience with Java, C, C++, or C# in a Linux and/or Windows environment
· Multi-threaded programming
· Strong CS fundamentals in data structures, algorithms, OO design and a solid understanding of distributed systems
· MS in CS or related field
· Experience building highly scalable infrastructure software or distributed systems for commercial online services
· Familiarity with AWS services like EC2, EBS, RDS, SWF, etc.
· Demonstrated leadership abilities to drive operational excellence and best practices
· Systems design expertise
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