ChatGPT промпти для навчання та пошуку роботи початківцям

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Ви можете використовувати чат-бот не тільки генерації коду, а й для навчання і пошуку роботи. Зібрали для вас добірку промптів (запитів) до ChatGPT, які допоможуть здобути омріяну позицію. Так, англійською.

Для навчання:

  1. [paste your writing] Proofread my writing above. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing.
  2. I want to learn about [topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.
  3. I want to learn / get better at [desired skill]. I am a complete beginner. Create a 30 day learning plan that will help a beginner like me learn and improve this skill.
  4. Summarize the book [book] by the author [author] and give me a list of the most important learnings and insights.
  5. I am currently learning about [topic]. Ask me a series of questions that will test my knowledge. Identify knowledge gaps in my answers and give me better answers to fill those gaps.
  6. Can you give me an example of how to solve a [problem statement]?

Для створення резюме:

  1. I am a [position] and I’m looking for a job. And I need your help to craft my CV that helps me to get employed again. What input do you need from me to generate a CV?
  2. I have 2 years of experience as a content writer and now want to work in a tech startup as a content manager. I want you to write me a resume. Please let me know what information you need from my end.
  3. I’m [Name] and I need you to create a data analyst resume for me. I recently graduated from XYZ University with a degree in statistics. And I have completed data analysis internships with ABC Inc. and DEF Corp. At ABC Inc., I processed and visualized user behavior data, and created reports on our findings. At DEF Corp, I did feature engineering and model evaluation for a machine learning model for predicting customer churn. In addition, I led a college society focused on data science and analytics. I managed 100 students on a project analyzing a large dataset. Can you create a new resume that emphasizes my education, technical skills, and internships? I have experience with SQL, R, and Python, and I also have a Tableau certification. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if you have any questions. Thank you for your help!
  4. Can you add industry-specific jargon or keywords to my resume to ensure that it is optimized for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)?
  5. I am providing my resume. Review it and generate a summary that elaborates on my strengths and sets me apart from other candidates.
  6. I am giving you my resume. Read it and provide suggestions on how I can improve it.
  7. Proofread my resume to ensure that it has no grammatical or spelling mistakes and provide relevant feedback.
  8. I am providing my resume. Go through it and rewrite it to match the following job description [Job description].
  9. I am providing my resume. Go through it and rewrite it for [job title] at [company name]. Include relevant skills, experience, and qualifications to show that I am a perfect fit for the job. Use language and terminology that is relevant to the [industry].
  10. Can you provide some interview preparation tips?
  11. I am sharing my resume and a job posting. Read both carefully and craft a cover letter to match the job posting. Refer to my skills and qualifications from the resume.
  12. Write a cover letter for a software engineer position at XYZ Company, emphasizing my expertise in Python, Java, and Agile methodologies, as well as my strong problem-solving and communication skills.

Доповнюйте і ви перелік промптами, які будуть корисні джуніорам!

До обраногоВ обраному24
Дозволені теги: blockquote, a, pre, code, ul, ol, li, b, i, del.
Ctrl + Enter
Дозволені теги: blockquote, a, pre, code, ul, ol, li, b, i, del.
Ctrl + Enter

Хотілось б ще про написання супровідного листа. Дякую)

Попросив щоб допоміг скласти резюме. Дав всю інфу яку він просив, в підсумку він просто написав все що я йому дав, тільки розбив на групи, по типу: софт скіли, навчання, хобі...

Dear ChatGPT,

Please proofread my CV.
Send it to companies.
Respond to incoming emails.
Pass all the rounds of interview process.
Accept a job offer.
Write the code instead of me.
Transfer monthly payment to my account.

ChatGPT response

I’m sorry, but I cannot fulfill some of the requests in your message. As an AI language model, I cannot physically proofread your CV or send it to companies on your behalf. Additionally, it is not ethical for me to write the code for you or transfer payments to your account.

Дякую! Хочется ще такого. Бо прости написані дійсно гарно та зрозуміло.

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