Хочу стати DevOps-інженером. Де вчитися?
У кого есть опыт в изучении. Посоветуйте школу хорошую, курсы. Может кто подскажет как самому выучить. Буду очень благодарен, спасибо
У кого есть опыт в изучении. Посоветуйте школу хорошую, курсы. Может кто подскажет как самому выучить. Буду очень благодарен, спасибо
У нас в IT-Discovery є кілька тренінгів з DevOps технологій, включаючи Docker, Kubernetes, AWS та Terraform: it-simulator.com/...io/event/7/vstup-v-docker
Привіт, дивись тут: dou.ua/forums/topic/42092
потім сюди: dou.ua/forums/topic/42281
Почитай термінологію
Девопс інженера не існує
Є інженери які практикують девопс
Включаючи девелоперів і тестувальників
Девопс інженера не існує
Та інші байки зі склепу
Who is a DevOps engineer? — www.redhat.com/...cs/devops/devops-engineer
Включаючи девелоперів і тестувальників
Цікаво, скільки їм доплачують за обов’язки та знання девопс інженера.
a developer with DevOps
SRE/DBRE as operations representtive
QA automation in DevOps
ReleaseManager in DevOps
Here are a few common roles in a DevOps team.
DevOps roles: DevOps Engineer (the role is not called DevOps, Pipeline automation)
A DevOps engineer is responsible for designing the right infrastructure required for teams to continuously build and deliver products. The engineer identifies project requirements and KPIs and customizes the tool stack. He is well versed with automation tools and security technologies. Right from the build, test, deployment, and monitoring of a product, the engineer integrates all resources and functions required at every stage of the product lifecycle while protecting the cloud architecture from hacking attacks. In addition, the engineer is involved in team composition, project activities, defining and setting the processes for CI/CD pipelines and external interfaces.
DevOps Roles: Release Manager
When it comes to the DevOps team structure, the release manager holds one of the most demanding and stressful roles. The release manager is responsible for the entire release lifecycle, right from planning, scheduling, automating, and managing continuous delivery environments. Release managers are mostly Ops-focused wherein they design an automation pipeline for a smooth progression of code to production, monitor feedback, reports, and plan the next release, working in an endless loop.
DevOps Roles: DevOps/CloudOps architect
The responsibility of a DevOps architect is to analyse existing software development processes and create an optimized DevOps CI/CD pipeline to rapidly build and deliver software. The architect analyses existing processes and implement best practices to streamline and automate processes using the right tools and technologies. In addition, he monitors and manages technical operations, collaborates with dev and ops, and offers support when required. He also acts as a leader as required.
DevOps roles: Security and Compliance Engineer
The Security and Compliance Engineer (SCE) is responsible for the overall security of the DevOps environment. The SCE closely works with the development teams to design and integrate security into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring data integrity and security are not compromised at every stage of the product lifecycle. In addition, the SCE ensures that the products being developed are adhering to governing regulations and compliance standards.
DevOps roles: Software Developer/Tester
While a regular software developer writes the code to build a product, the DevOps software developer/tester is involved across the product lifecycle. Responsibilities of DevOps developers include tasks such as updating the code, adding new features, and resolving bugs while ensuring that the application meets business objectives. In addition, the developer runs unit tests, pushes the code to production, and monitors its performance.
DevOps roles: DevOps evangelist
For an organization to fully leverage DevOps, it should go through a complete cultural shift. A DevOps evangelist is the one who acts as this change agent, inspiring, educating, and motivating people across the organization to embark on the DevOps journey. The evangelist removes silos between different teams, brings them onto a common platform, determines the roles and responsibilities of DevOps members, and ensures everyone is trained on the job they are assigned. Overall, the evangelist leads the DevOps journey, ensuring that a cultural shift is happening across the organization, everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities, finds ways to optimize processes and ensures that best practices are implemented in an end-to-end product development lifecycle.
Тобто бачення якогось СЕО, котрий сам працював as DevOps Engineer, існування яких ви заперечуєте. 😂😂😂
DevOps Engineer — AWS CertifiedDevOps Engineer — AWS Certified
Jan 2014 — Jan 2016 · 2 yrs 1 moJan 2014 — Jan 2016 · 2 yrs 1 mo
Saltillo Area, Mexico
Who is a DevOps engineer?
Pipeline Automation Engineer
Aле в більшості випадків розмова про SRE а не автоматизатора
Девопс інженера не існує
Щось схоже на погляди плоскоземельщиків. Скрам — це теж процес. Як і Quality Assurance. Існування скрам-мастерів і QA-інженерів теж заперечуєте?
Ага канеш. Человек, который помогает внедрять девопс практики в команде. Почему должно отпасть?)
Чего? Даже на джуна девопса сейчас уже просят 100500 тулов. Понятное дело что материалы в интернете не одинаковые по качеству. Что-то хорошее, что-то отстой. Так что вопрос автора вполне понятен. Другой момент, что подборок материалов в интернете уже тоже вагон и маленькая тележка, так что можно и самому нагуглить)
Аналогічно. З моїх спостережень 40% прийшли з девелопмента (Software engineer, на якого скидали задачі по розгортанню інфраструктури і автоматизації SDLC, а з ростом проекту вони почали цим займатись фул-тайм), решта з Infrastructure engineering, які навчились в білди, автоматизацію і т.п.
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