Big Data дайджест #2
— Making sense of too much data. It's the age of Big Data. But what, exactly, do we do with all this information? These talks explore practical, ethical — and spectacularly visual — ways to understand near-infinite data.
— The power of the unaided mind is highly overrated... The real powers come from devising external aids that enhance cognitive abilities. Algorithms are a fascinating use case for visualization. To visualize an algorithm, we don’t merely fit data to a chart; there is no primary dataset. Instead there are logical rules that describe behavior.
News & Trends
— is a community of creative people making sense of complex issues through data and design... and a shared space and free resource to help you achieve this goal. was created by GE and Seed Media Group to help make data visualization more accessible to the general public; to promote information literacy through the creation, sharing, and discussion of data visualizations; and to provide a unique resource to help simplify complex issues through design.
— provides readers with a rich variety of content that charts the development of the data visualisation field as well as profiling the professional services on offer from Visualising Data Ltd. The site is managed and edited by Andy Kirk. Andy Kirk is a UK-based freelance data visualisation specialist: A design consultant, training provider, author, editor of, speaker and researcher.
Beginner guide for Data Mining, Data Science and Big Data Analytics world. Ridzuan Daud is a data mining blogger from Malaysia. He works at the FCSIT, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His interests are artificial intelligence, analytics and data science/big data areas.
— Data Elixir is a weekly collection of the best data science news, resources, and inspirations from around the web.
Tools for Data Visualization
— For more than 25 years, Mathematica has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world.
— Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers—
not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.
— D3 is a small, free JavaScript library for manipulating HTML documents based on data. D3 can help you quickly visualize your data as HTML or SVG, handle interactivity, and incorporate smooth transitions and staged animations into your pages.
D3 is not a traditional visualization framework. Rather than provide a monolithic system with all the features anyone may ever need, D3 solves only the crux of the problem: efficient manipulation of documents based on data. This gives D3 extraordinary flexibility, exposing the full capabilities of underlying technologies such as CSS3, HTML5 and SVG. It avoids learning a new intermediate proprietary representation.
The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics. Raw is an open web app to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing D3.js library through a simple interface. Raw is an open and customizable project (LGPL license), and you can freely download it and modify it. If you want to contribute to its evolution, fork the project on GitHub!
— Epoch is a general purpose real-time charting library for building beautiful, smooth, and high performance visualizations. Features five beautiful and high performance real-time charts built using d3 & Canvas. CSS querying engine allows you to style both SVG & Canvas plots with a single stylesheet.
Сайт русскоязычной поддержки Wolfram Mathematica.
— Канал Русскоязычной поддержки самой мощной и универсальной вычислительной системы мира, Wolfram Mathematica.
Первая версия системы Mathematica, стоявшая у истоков современных технических вычислений, была выпущена 23 июня 1988 года Стивеном Вольфрамом. Сегодня Mathematica — это постоянно совершенствующаяся система, фактически ставшая самой мощной вычислительной системой мира.
— Первый курс в серии онлайн‑брейнвошингов по визуализации от Лаборатории данных. Он посвящён дизайнерским принципам работы со сложными данными и знакомит слушателей с библиотекой D3.js — самым мощным и гибким инструментом создания интерактивных визуализаций.
— Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the “Leonardo da Vinci of data,” and Business Week as the “Galileo of graphics.”
— Stephen Few founded Perceptual Edge in 2003. With 30 years of experience as an innovator, consultant, and educator in the fields of business intelligence and information design, Stephen is now a leading expert in data visualization for sensemaking and communication. Stephen writes the quarterly Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, speaks and teaches internationally, and provides consulting services.
— Colin Ware is the Director of the Data Visualization Research Lab which is part of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire. Ware specializes in advanced data visualization and has a special interest in applications of visualization to Ocean Mapping.
— Mike Bostock. Purveyor of fine misinformations. Mike Bostock is a Graphics Editor at Nytgraphics and author of D3.js and prior to that Protovis.js. He does infographic work for the New York Times, as well as many other things.
— Ben Shneiderman is a computer scientist. He conducted fundamental research in the field of human—computer interaction, developing new ideas, methods, and tools such as the direct manipulation interface, and his eight rules of design. His information visualization mantra “overview, zoom and filters, and details-on-demand” is one of the most famous mantra in visualization.
— Benjamin Fry is an expert in data visualization and the author of the book “Visualizing Data” (2007), which offers detailed step-by-step instructions for creating some of his most well-known visualizations. At the MIT Media Lab, he co-developed the open-source programming tool “Processing” with Casey Reas. Processing provides a simple, accessible interface for non-programmers to harness the graphics generation capabilities of the Java programming language.
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