• Uptech

    TL;DR Uptech is one of the best places in Ukraine one can grow in, feel proud of his results and be surrounded by the most beautiful souls.

    Long version:
    Joined Uptech 9 months ago and waited a bit until writing a review to get rid of the rose tinted glasses not to sound too excited, nothing changed so far, except that glasses are gone and this is pure love at this point.

    I feel cared about and know others do too. I feel like my opinion matters and any issue can be brought up and discussed. Uptech is about people and it’s all the small gestures everyday that makes it so. I’ve got all i need and if i ever needed smth for work it was delivered/taken care of almost instantly. I can work anytime i want, i can practice my English as all texting is done in a such way, i can join one of so many sports club we got here (basketball, football, squash, biking etc.), i can choose my growth trajectory and get literally any help from my mentor (you get one for free upon joining!), i can, i can, i can. Being a little selfish one can call Uptech a framework for his own growth, as growth opportunities come along with our company.

    Strong mobile department with 10 devs for each platform? We got you. Regular department meetings discussing new in tech with occasional keynotes? We got you. Technically challenging projects ranging from move fast startups to billion dollars evaluated companies? We got you.

    Transparency. You can join any meeting you want. You know exactly how salary review is done (spoiler: by your teammates!), you can take a look at your colleague’s growth plan (everyone has one here!) and reach out to anyone you feel like to.
    You see company values in people’s behaviour, feel the product mindset vibe and get so inspired working here. Unique place, unique people. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at the green sidebar on the right or come for an interview and see it for yourself :)

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